Get headline stories (automation settings / list of manual stories).
The Monday homepage has a manually set list of headline stories:
>>> GET("/123/homepage/mon/headline_stories")
{'auto': False,
'items': [{'description': 'This is descriptive text for a headline story...',
'image_uuid': 'd16f1ded-7255-38bf-83d2-2223728662ae',
'link_uuid': '799d6c73-fe75-11df-837b-001ec21bff9e',
'title': 'Headline Story 01',
'type': 'content'},
{'description': 'This is descriptive text for a headline story...',
'image_uuid': 'f6294df8-9023-3687-865b-af22de234abf',
'link_uuid': '9eecdeab-fe95-11df-9c2f-001ec21bff9e',
'title': 'Headline Story 02',
'type': 'content'}]}
The Wednesday homepage is set to automation:
>>> GET("/123/homepage/wed/headline_stories")
{'auto': True,
'auto_max': 2,
'auto_tag_uuids': ['60183d70-a998-11e1-afa6-0800200c9a66',
Set headline stories (automation settings / list of manual stories).
Setting a manual list of headline stories for Monday:
>>> PUT("/123/homepage/mon/headline_stories",
... {"items": [
... {'title': 'Headline Story 1',
... 'description': 'Headline Story 1 Description',
... 'image_uuid': '8fdabced-2583-356b-a890-260d795a0f19',
... 'type': 'link',
... 'link_url': ''},
... {'title': 'Headline Story 2',
... 'description': 'Headline Story 2 Description',
... 'image_uuid': '8fdabced-2583-356b-a890-260d795a0f19',
... 'type': 'content',
... 'link_uuid': 'a33b5997-00ca-11e0-b096-001ec21bff9e'}]})
{'url': ''}
Setting the automation for headline stories for Wednesday:
>>> PUT("/123/homepage/wed/headline_stories",
... {"auto": True,
... "auto_max": 3,
... "auto_tag_uuids": ['60183d70-a998-11e1-afa6-0800200c9a66',
... '7fbbe910-a998-11e1-afa6-0800200c9a66']
... })
{'url': ''}
auto: | If true, headline stories will be auto populated. optional Default: False |
Additional parameters for type: auto (auto = true)
auto_max: | Maximum number of headline stories. optional Default: 5 Values must not be lower than 1 or higher than 8 |
auto_tag_uuids: | List of tags to filter the auto populated headline stories on. optional Default: None |
Additional parameters for type: manual (auto = false)
items: | List of manually set headline stories. optional Note required if the parameter auto is set to 'False'. Every element of the list is a dictionary, each consisting of the following fields:
Additional parameters for type: content
Additional parameters for type: link
Get featured stories (automation settings / list of manual stories).
The Monday homepage has a manually set list of featured stories:
>>> GET("/123/homepage/mon/featured_stories")
{'auto': False,
'items': [{'link_uuid': '799d6c73-fe75-11df-837b-001ec21bff9e',
'type': 'content'},
{'link_uuid': '9eecdeab-fe95-11df-9c2f-001ec21bff9e',
'type': 'content'},
{'link_uuid': 'a33b5997-00ca-11e0-b096-001ec21bff9e',
'type': 'content'}]}
The Wednesday homepage is set to automation:
>>> GET("/123/homepage/wed/featured_stories")
{'auto': True,
'auto_max': 2,
'auto_tag_uuids': ['60183d70-a998-11e1-afa6-0800200c9a66',
Set featured stories (automation settings / list of manual stories).
Setting a manual list of featured stories for Monday:
>>> PUT("/123/homepage/mon/featured_stories",
... {"items": [
... {'type': 'content',
... 'link_uuid': 'a33b5997-00ca-11e0-b096-001ec21bff9e'}]})
{'url': ''}
Setting the automation for featured stories for Wednesday:
>>> PUT("/123/homepage/wed/featured_stories",
... {"auto": True,
... "auto_max": 3,
... "auto_tag_uuids": ['60183d70-a998-11e1-afa6-0800200c9a66',
... '7fbbe910-a998-11e1-afa6-0800200c9a66']
... })
{'url': ''}
auto: | If true, featured stories will be auto populated. optional Default: False |
Additional parameters for type: auto (auto = true)
auto_max: | Maximum number of featured stories. optional Default: 5 Values must not be lower than 1 or higher than 20 |
auto_tag_uuids: | List of tags to filter the auto populated featured stories on. optional Default: None |
Additional parameters for type: manual (auto = false)
items: | List of manually set featured stories. optional Note required if the parameter auto is set to 'False'. Every element of the list is a dictionary, each consisting of the following fields: