Retrieve a batched collection of events.
Get events:
>>> GET("/123/events?fields=title-url-issued-thumb_url&order=title&rpp=2")
{'items': [['Event 01 title',
['Event 02 title',
'next': 'fields=title-url-issued-thumb_url&order=title&page=2&rpp=2'}
Get events issued before December 4th, 2010:
>>> GET("/123/events?fields=title-url-issued&issued=_2010-12-04&rpp=2")
{'items': [['Event 04 title',
Get events with occurrences within a specific period:
>>> GET("/123/events?fields=title-dtstart-dtend-rrule&occurring=2010-05-13_2010-05-18")
{'items': [['Event 03 title',
['Event 04 title',
{'byday': None,
'byhour': None,
'byminute': None,
'bymonth': None,
'bymonthday': None,
'bysecond': None,
'bysetpos': None,
'byweekno': None,
'byyearday': None,
'count': None,
'freq': 'WEEKLY',
'interval': 1,
'until': None,
'wkst': None}]]}
Even though the first occurrence of "Event 04" is outside the occurring period, the event is returned because it has an occurrence within the search period due to its recurrence rule.
page: | The page number to retrieve. optional Default: 1 Values must not be lower than 1 |
rpp: | The number of results per page. optional Default: 20 Values must not be lower than 1 or higher than 100 |
state: | optional Default: 'live' if the user is a public user else None. Example value: "draft" Values must be any of the following
fields: | A dash-separated list of fields to return. optional Default: ['url'] Example value: 'created-website' Every element of the list must be any of the following
issued: | A date/time period within which the event was issued. First element is the start of the period, second element is the end of the period. Either start or end can be None. optional Default: None
order: | A dash-separated list of orderings to apply optional Default: [] Example value: 'issued-urlname.desc' Every element of the list must be any of the following
occurring: | A date/time period within which the event has occurrences. First element is the start of the period, second element is the end of the period. The elements are separated by an underscore (_). Either start or end can be empty or the value 'now'. Note The icalendar specification RFC 5545 defines dtend as non-inclusive. The dtend value of occurring is also considered non-inclusive. See Filter by Period for more information. optional Default: None Example value: '2015-01-01_2015-02-01'
expand: | A dash-separated list of fields to return expanded. optional Default: None Example value: 'location_uuid' Every element of the list must be any of the following
Retrieve a batched collection of event occurrences.
Get all events occurrences:
>>> GET("/123/events/occurrences?fields=event_uuid-dtstart-dtend")
{'items': [['11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111',
See Event Occurrences for more examples.
page: | The page number to retrieve. optional Default: 1 Values must not be lower than 1 |
rpp: | The number of results per page. optional Default: 20 Values must not be lower than 1 or higher than 100 |
fields: | A dash-separated list of fields to return. optional Default: ['event_uuid', 'dtstart'] Example value: ['event_uuid-dtstart-dtend'] Every element of the list must be any of the following
period: | A date/time period within which the occurrences happen. First element is the start of the period, second element is the end of the period. The elements are separated by an underscore (_). Either start or end can be empty or the value 'now'. Note The icalendar specification RFC 5545 defines dtend as non-inclusive. The dtend value of period is also considered non-inclusive. See Filter by Period for more information. optional Default: None Example value: '2015-01-01_2015-02-01'
expand: | A dash-separated list of fields to return expanded. optional Default: None Example value: 'event_uuid' Every element of the list must be any of the following
tag: | UUID of a tag optional Default: None Example value: '123456578-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc' Values must obey all the conditions
predicate: | optional Default: None Values must be any of the following
order: | See Order by Distance for more information. optional Default: None Example value: 'distance' Every element of the list must be any of the following