API Documentation

API Resource Reference

Catalog Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid} Provide links to resources within the instance.

Comment Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid}/comments Retrieve a batched collection of comments.
GET /{iid}/comments/{uuid} Retrieve one comment.
PUT /{iid}/comments/{uuid} Create/update a comment.

Content Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid}/content Retrieve a batched collection of content objects.
DELETE /{iid}/content/{uuid} Deletes a content object.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid} Retrieve one content object.
PUT /{iid}/content/{uuid} Create/update a content object.
PATCH /{iid}/content/{uuid} Update specific attributes of a content object.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid}/info Get additional information about a content object.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid}/related_links Get the links related to a content object.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid}/tags Get all tags for a content object.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid}/tags/{predicate} Get the tags for a content object that represent a specific tag/content relationship, defined by 'predicate'.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid}/slots Get the settings of a content object's slots.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid}/slots/{slot_uuid} Retrieve settings of one specific slot.
PUT /{iid}/content/{uuid}/slots/{slot_uuid} Create/update the information of a slot.
DELETE /{iid}/content/{uuid}/slots/{slot_uuid} Deletes a slot.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid}/slots/{slot_uuid}/media Get the media of the slot.
POST /{iid}/content/{uuid}/slots/{slot_uuid}/media Create new media inside a specific slot of a content object.
PUT /{iid}/content/{uuid}/slots/{slot_uuid}/media Create/update the media inside the slot.
GET /{iid}/content/{uuid}/path_history Get the path history of a content object.
POST /{iid}/content/{uuid}/path_history Create new path history entry for the content object.
PUT /{iid}/content/{uuid}/path_history Create/update the path_history of the content object.

Event Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid}/events Retrieve a batched collection of events.
GET /{iid}/events/occurrences Retrieve a batched collection of event occurrences.

Files Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid}/files Retrieve a batched collection of files.
DELETE /{iid}/files/{uuid} Deletes a file.
GET /{iid}/files/{uuid} Retrieve one file.
POST /{iid}/files/{uuid} Add/update file data.
PUT /{iid}/files/{uuid} Create/update a file's metadata.
GET /{iid}/files/{uuid}/tags Get all tags for a file.
GET /{iid}/files/{uuid}/tags/{predicate} Get the tags for a file that represent a specific tag/file relationship, defined by 'predicate'.

Homepage Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid}/homepage/{day}/headline_stories Get headline stories (automation settings / list of manual stories).
PUT /{iid}/homepage/{day}/headline_stories Set headline stories (automation settings / list of manual stories).
GET /{iid}/homepage/{day}/featured_stories Get featured stories (automation settings / list of manual stories).
PUT /{iid}/homepage/{day}/featured_stories Set featured stories (automation settings / list of manual stories).

Location Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid}/locations Retrieve a batched collection of locations.
DELETE /{iid}/locations/{uuid} Deletes a location.
GET /{iid}/locations/{uuid} Retrieve one location.
PUT /{iid}/locations/{uuid} Create/update a location.
PATCH /{iid}/locations/{uuid} Update specific attributes of a location.
GET /{iid}/locations/{uuid}/tags Get all tags for a location.
GET /{iid}/locations/{uuid}/path_history Get the path history of a location.
POST /{iid}/locations/{uuid}/path_history Create new path history entry for the location.
PUT /{iid}/locations/{uuid}/path_history Create/update the path_history of the location.

Redirect Resources

Method Resource Description
PUT /{iid}/redirects/{uuid} Create a new redirect.

Section Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid}/sections Retrieve a batched collection of sections/subsections.
POST /{iid}/sections Deprecated method to create a section.
GET /{iid}/sections/{uuid} Retrieve one section/subsection.
PUT /{iid}/sections/{uuid} Create a new section/subsection.
GET /{iid}/sections/{uuid}/featured_stories Get the featured stories of a section.
GET /{iid}/sections/{uuid}/path_history Get the path history of a section.
POST /{iid}/sections/{uuid}/path_history Create new path history entry for the section.
PUT /{iid}/sections/{uuid}/path_history Create/update the path_history of the section.

Tag Resources

Method Resource Description
GET /{iid}/tags/categories Retrieve a batched collection of tag categories.
GET /{iid}/tags/categories/{uuid} Retrieve one tag category.
PUT /{iid}/tags/categories/{uuid} Create/update a tag category.
PATCH /{iid}/tags/categories/{uuid} Update a tag category.
GET /{iid}/tags/categories/{uuid}/tags Retrieve a batched collection of tags of a specific category.
POST /{iid}/tags/categories/{uuid}/tags Add a tag to a specific category.
PUT /{iid}/tags/categories/{uuid}/tags Create/update the tags of the tag category.
GET /{iid}/tags Retrieve a batched collection of tags.
GET /{iid}/tags/{uuid} Retrieve one tag.
PUT /{iid}/tags/{uuid} Create/update a tag.
PATCH /{iid}/tags/{uuid} Update specific attributes of a tag.
GET /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/categories Retrieve a batched collection of the categories of a specific tag.
GET /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/all Retrieve a batched list of information about relationships between various objects and a specific tag.
GET /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/{predicate} Retrieve a batched list of information about relationships between various objects and a specific tag filtered by 'predicate'.
DELETE /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/{predicate}/{object_uuid} Removes a tag from an object.
GET /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/{predicate}/{object_uuid} Retrieve one tag connection.
PUT /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/{predicate}/{object_uuid} Create/update a tag connection.
GET /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/path_history Get the path history of a tag.
POST /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/path_history Create new path history entry for the tag.
PUT /{iid}/tags/{uuid}/path_history Create/update the path_history of the tag.